Reflective Essay on "Mystique of Campo: Timo, GUARDIAN of the PUTAT"

"Mystique of Campo: Timo, GUARDIAN of the PUTAT"

In the story it tells us about the father who is willing to sacrifice himself to save his beloved daughter's life and freedom from the Putat.

The local color used in the story is dialect, because in the story they are using a specific word used to addressed spirits or beings that live in trees, bushes and grass. The word that the story uses is "tabi tabi po" or "tabi tabi". Mang Timo uses it multiple times in the story for example, when he appologizes for nearly harming the Putat's home or when he pleads with Atong who lives in the Putat to give his daughter back to him. His pleading does not work, however he eventually gets his daughter back by going into the Putat and fought with Atong. The fighting had gotten the attention of the royal faes, to which the King asked the magical pond to reveal the truth about why Mang Timo was in the Putat fighting with Atong. When the king found out about what Atong has done he was punished by the King. Due to Mang Timo going into the Fae world he is no longer allowed to leave, because of this he pleaded that his sins and wrong doings will be forgiven and to spare Marcelina because she was tricked by Atong. Mang Timo surrendered himself to them and the king was pleased, he agreed with Mang Timo's plea and made him the new guardian of the portal, where he stays and watches over his daughter from the Putat.

The relevance to the story in real life is when Atong didn't do his job properly because he wanted to take Marcelina away from her father, this is relevant because this is something be doing since he was no longer doing his job. We shouldn't leave our responsibility to do our selfish needs and desires.

Reference List:

Cogtas, J. "Mystique of Campo: Timo, GUARDIAN of the PUTAT". Owupress.


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