Personal Essay

 The experience that I had that impacted me was when I found out my older brother was being bullied at school. In context, my brother used to be chubby around the age of 7 - 14 and he never really cared about his weight that much until he was in high school.

My brother was in the seventh grade and I was in the third grade when our parents and I noticed that my brother was being bullied in the school, that we used to go to at the time about his weight, Some people would laugh at him because of how he looked while others would make mean comments. Our mom talked to him about telling the teachers whenever he was aware of those things happening so he could have someone to talk to about it.

I'm not sure how it affected my brother since I never really asked him about it. I thought he and mom would handle it. Because our dad was working overseas at that time. Luckily they did and the bullying stopped which I was very happy to hear. I felt really bad for not being able to help make my brother feel better at that time since I was just 10 and didn't really know what to do to help him be happier about his weight.

But my brother did have a hobby like playing basketball and because of this, he started making a goal to keep practicing so he could join the basketball team for the intramurals. So he started exercising and practicing which helped him lose weight and helped him be more confident about himself.

By practicing basketball, he lost weight because he kept practicing. I was very happy for my brother because he achieved both of the things he wanted at that time. Now my brother doesn't really care about what he looks like and he still likes to play basketball. The lesson I learned from this experience is to not be unsure when asking for help when you're having a hard time with something you can't stop by yourself. My brother's experience can be compared to other people's experiences with being bullied because a lot of people who have been bullied have either stood up for themselves or have talked to someone about it so they didn't have to keep it to themselves. And by talking to someone that you trust about being bullied they can help you so the bullying will be stopped.


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